If you're on this site, you will probably know who we are, so little description is required! But if you are just browsing and say to yourself “those guys sound familiar!". You’re right it's Rob, Dilys (and now also Ethan and Alanna) Jones from Dublin Ireland. Send us a mail if you want more info.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Priested !

Hi everyone. We had a great day last Sunday ( 15th June) when Rob was priested in Christ Church Cathedral. It was a very special ceremony and a big thank you to all those who were able to come along. Also a big thanks to you for all the emails, texts and cards. The photo above shows Rob and Jon Kissell (the minister in CORE). So Rob is now fully fledged ; he is doing a special 2-1 rate on Baptisms and weddings! All is well here in the Jones’ household and we are very much looking forward to our hols. The kids are great and we have uploaded new photos in Flicker to the right. Hope you are well? Talk soon. PS thank you Sulu, aka Jason Kilroy, for all the reminders to update the blog. We are surprised you can remember to remind us are you are so old now…..!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So good to see all the pics rob and how big the kids are. Love the harry high pants shot. Ethan unfortunetly taking after you in the clothes department. Poor lad!

2:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sulu, oh so old now...

6:12 AM


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