So Close

The headline ( left) in this mornings New Zealand herald said it all. It looks like us Irish really gave them a run for their money. But not far enough. Well it was a great night and we came so close. With only 12 minutes to go it looked like 101 years of waiting had finally come to an end and Rob was there to witness it. However as often is the case with the All Blacks, they came back right at the finish. Not even the Munster effect could stop them and O Connell’s intercepted pass at the end along with ROG's missed penalty were the turning points. Burkey, it was great and it would have been great to have you there. Lets keep hoping and praying that next weekends game can reverse the trend. Here's hoping anyway…. Can you let Rob know the world cup results. It’s a football desert out here ! Dilys is delighted.
Well what can we say, it's All Black's all the way,...... but time will tell I guess. Fantastic to have you back in our country, it's been to long between G & T's and chocolate puddings. Cant wait to see you all Judy & John, Ashburton, South Island
1:12 AM
Hey Family Jones...
Dilys...close your eyes
World Cup going great...Germany won opening match 4-2
Argentine -v- Ivory Coast was great game Argies won 2-1
England won but didn't play too well in second half...but three points
Dutch won and so did Portugal...biggest surprise was Trinidad and Tobago drawing 0-0 with Sweden and they even played for one half with 10 men...Livvie will be smoking cubans!!
go to bbc website if the shut-out is bad - excellent coverage...
i'm loving it...every minute and every goal!
on other matters - Catherine won a trophy at Kidz 'Everyone's a winner Paddy' Klub sports day in Balbriggan, spoke to Jon about placement and all looks good...
your results are out this week...will keep you posted as I have to keep an eye for Jamesy as well...O'Reilly's off to Cork for a week for placement to get ready for a longer stay next year...
glad to hear you are all keeping well...
PS. btw - Fahder Moroney's in lurve with a silly filly in Philly - see, miracles can happen
pps. Andrew managed to get a picture of the NSMs into the CoI Church Review - they're all standing at the front with their arms in the air!!! (Empey is also in picture I believe) and the caption says NSMs and Principal Empey at charismatic happy clappy're doomed next year
2:24 AM
heh heh guys
missing you both
life here moving fast
Whats you news, busy?
6:42 AM
the future of irish rugby is bright, the future's ORANGE .... go on the Trimdog, its about time Ulster got a look in. sorry, just had to get that off my chest. hope u guys are good and are enjoying NZ, even if there are kiwis there who play dirty cynical rugby.
7:32 AM
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