Going South....

Well the month in St. Pauls has flown by and what a month it has been. We have met great people and been a part of a great church. There is such a great sense of community there and God is doing so much and will do even more in the future. So I will meet up with Dilys and Ethan today in Dunedin and then it’s onto the second half of our adventure. Yesterday myself and Rich went to Phia ( photo) and what a great place that is. I think we will be back here ! We will be waiting for Rich and Kat to get there Batch ( Beach hut in Kiwi ) Hope all you guys are well ? Eoghan and Becky - Hope all is going well in UK ; will be in touch soon. See you all in the next post.... R
heh there banger, nice photo's mate, really great.
when do you leave fro home?
7:54 AM
Great to read all your postings! I look forward to getting the full report in due course.......all well here....God at work in the domestic scene....as the sayings goes; "a lot done, more to do!"
8:10 AM
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